Big Ben Tea Timer is a countdown program which alerts you when your tea is ready. The Countdown can be displayed in the dock. Screenshots
FAQCan I buy a license outside of the Mac App Store? No. The full version is only available from the Mac App Store. Can you implement feature X? Keep in mind that Big Ben Tea Timer is intentionally simple and I intend to leave it that way. There a lots of timers with myriads of features out there that wil surely implement feature X. But they lack the simplicity and style because they are usually overloaded with too much features. So my answer will probably be "no". But that does not mean there aren't any nice things to add. I'm looking forward to a few nice additions. I decided that I don't like the program and want a refund. If you are unsure if you want to pay for the full version, use the 14 Day Free Trial. SupportHave a question not answered by the FAQ? Drop me an email: teatimersupport@herwig-henseler.de Version History
LanguagesBig Ben Tea Timer is localized for English, German, and French. If you want to translate to your language, drop me a note. You need to translate 50 short text strings and you will of course get the full version for free. RequirementsBig Ben Tea Timer needs Mac OS X 10.6.6 or newer. What people are saying ...Simple and great! LOVE the chime! I use this everyday and cannot believe I lived without it! -- Mac App Store This is the timer program to have. --Mac App Store I use Tea Timer every day. A small program that does only one thing and does it very elegantly. Also, a nice icon and an alarm that reminds without startling. --Versiontracker *The* most essential and strategic Mac OS X application. While Adobe talks, these guys actually SHIP! ;-) --Versiontracker A simple, elegant program. --Versiontracker There are more full features timers, but if all you need is a simple countdown timer, Tea Timer doesdoes its job elegantly, beautifully and with a lightness that is missing from most applications --Handpicked Software for MacOSX
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